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miracle GARCINIA CAMBOGIA HEALTH WEIGHT LOSS CAPSULES DR OZ EXCLUSIVE TO SALON CLEO DURBAN PHOENIX 0315002353 What is Garcinia Cambogia? Garcinia Cambogia Fruit  Garcinia cambogia is a plant, also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta.  The fruit of the plant looks like a small, green pumpkin and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor.  In the skin of the fruit, there is a large amount of a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA).  This is the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract? that is, the substance that produces the weight loss effects. AT SALON CLEO PHOENIX DURBAN 0315002353


What is Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a plant, also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta.

The fruit of the plant looks like a small, green pumpkin and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor.

In the skin of the fruit, there is a large amount of a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA).

This is the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract… that is, the substance that produces the weight loss effects.

Dr. Oz 'miracle' weight loss suggested capsules ... Garcinia cambogia, now available exclusively at SALON CLEO 0315002353 phoenix Durban




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he  miracle garcinia cambogia now available at salon cleo 0315002353 pure Garcinia Cambogia Premium is a miraculous fat burning fruit grown in India and Southeast Asia. It’s rind consists of HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) which provides remarkable weight loss results. Therefore a natural Garcinia Cambogia extract with atleast 60% of HCA will show astonishing results for weight loss; because it is the basic fat burner and appetite controller.

You by now know that hydroxycitric acid (HCA) present in the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit increases the weight loss by three folds. It targets the fat burning process in three ways.

By increasing the serotonin levels to hold back emotional eating
By suppressing the appetite
By increasing the metabolic rate to burn fat naturally.
Not only this but hydroxycitric acid (HCA) also controls the enzyme citrate lysase in your system so that it may not convert excess carbohydrate into fat. Besides this the serotonin also helps you to manage stress and to sleep better, making you look refreshed from time to time.

There is one more secret ingredient in the Pure Garcinia Cambogia fruit which most of you do not know about. Apart from hydroxycitric acid it also contains an active compound known as Chlorogenic Acid. This inhibits glucose in your body and boosts metabolism while burning the liver fat.


There are many HCA Garcinia Cambogia supplements available in bottles but make sure you buy the best so that you are not fooled. It’s not about the money; it’s about your health which is very precious so buy only when you are sure that you have found the product which exactly has what it claims. That is, no added additives or other fat burning ingredients about from Pure Garcinia Cambogia extract only. We sell only Pure Garcinia Cambogia extract which is the only sought after pill and we have been rated as the best-sellers on Amazon.com too!

But if you buy garcinia cambogia from here than you will get the benefits of free shipping and free bottles over different packages. I would advise you to consume atleast 1500mg of natural Garcinia Cambogia pills not less than that. Take it atleast 30 minutes before meals; though we guarantee that it will work for you and there are no side effects of Garcinia Cambogia supplements. If you wish to add any exercise routine or a diet and exercise it can give you marvelous results very quickly.

Note: We are 1000% sure that our product will work for you and we are so sure to give you our assurance that you can get your money back in 30-days “No questions asked” – It’s our guarantee!


A thorough research was carried out by a group of doctors in our FDA approved HCA Garcinia Cambogialaboratory in USA. This clinical research proved that the

It was really surprising because normally diet pills work with a combination of exercise and diet, but such a thing shocked the doctors and soon the Premium Garcinia Cambogia HCA became the latest trend amongst celebrities like Kim Kardishan who tried this supplement to lose her pregnancy weight so quickly. Featured in TV shows like Oprah, Dr.Oz, CNN, and so on…do you think such channels would have approved of praising hymn for this product if it didn’t work or if it was full of side-effects?best Garcinia Cambogia Premium was enough to make them lose 17 Ibs of body weight in just 3 months; without any exercise or without any diet regime.

So What Are The Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Pills?
The reason is so simple, each and every bottle packed contains 100% Natural and pure extract of HCA Garcinia Cambogia fruit, without added additives or preservatives. Our

Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Pills
Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Pills

Garcinia Cambogia supplements are tested in the FDA approved laboratory under strict supervision so that you can wholesome advantage of Garcinia Cambogia fruit.

It has been aired on the popular TV shows by most famous doctors and media pundits who would never recommend any diet pill to anyone  but they swear by pure Garcinia Cambogia supplements only. See what Dr.Oz said about this pill in his show:

High serotonin levels present in the Garcinia Cambogia fruit curbs emotional eating/binge eating and as well has boost metabolism which can burn calories. The famous health doctor, Dr.OZ states that:

“Pure Garcinia Cambogia Premium is the best fat-burning natural fruit which the scientists have ever come across.”

Forget spending extra hours at the gym, the natural Garcinia Cambogia pills are enough for you to burn fat without altering your diet

rom the Dr Oz Site:The HCA extract from garcinia cambogia supplement may aid in weight loss by doing two things: It helps to block fat, and it suppresses your appetite.

What Is Garcinia Cambogia Extract?
Garcinia Cambogia is a small, pumpkin-shaped fruit, sometimes called tamarind. Though native to Indonesia, it is also grown in India, Southeast Asia, and West and Central Africa. It has long been used in traditional South Asian dishes, including curries and chutneys. Many also use the fruit for curing fish and preservation.

Adding this ingredient to meals is considered to be effective in making meals more "filling." In some villages in Malaysia, garcinia is used to make a soup that is eaten before meals for weight loss because of garcinia's appetite-blocking abilities.

This plant offers one of the least expensive herbal supplements on the market. The ingredient from the rind of the fruit could hasten your weight-loss efforts. The natural extract is called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), and researchers claim that HCA can double or triple one's weight loss.

With proper weight-loss efforts (dieting and exercising), the average person taking HCA lost an average of four pounds a month.

Garcinia may also be great for emotional eaters. Those who participated in the study showed an increase in their serotonin levels; hence, it may also improve mood and sleeping patterns.

Is It Safe? The plant and its fruit have been eaten safely for years. The HCA extract is also likely safe in normal amounts.

Dr. Mehmet Oz recently got a dose of tough medicine after being publicly reprimanded on Capitol Hill for spotlighting certain dietary supplements. 

Appearing before senators on Tuesday to testify about the marketing behind a dietary supplement known as green bean coffee extract, Dr. Oz became the target of some harsh words from Sen. Claire McCaskill, chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, who accused the daytime host of giving viewers "false hope" in products. 

"I don't get why you need to say this stuff when you know it's not true," McCaskill said. "When you have this amazing megaphone, why would you cheapen your show?" 

Sen. McCaskill also called out Oz for endorsing FBCx, Forskolin, Garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones as viable weight-loss supplements. 

Keep up with your favorite celebs in the pages of PEOPLE Magazine by subscribing now.

He countered by insisting that he is a "cheerleader" for the audience and his intent is to "engage viewers" with "flowery language." 

omen make up a majority of Dr. Oz’s audience. The majority of women would like to lose weight. That is a match made in heaven, a marketer’s dream. And Oz has never hesitated to exploit that fact to increase audience share, playing fast and loose with sensationalized evidence instead of giving his viewers science-based advice.

Dr. Oz has promoted a series of weight loss supplements on his show. Raspberry ketones were presented as a fat-busting miracle, thengreen coffee bean extract was touted as “magic,” “staggering,” and “unprecedented.” And now both of those miracles have apparently been superseded by an even greater miracle: Garcinia cambogiaextract.

Dr. Oz calls it “The newest, fastest fat buster.” A way to lose weight without “spending every waking moment exercising and dieting.” “Triples your weight loss.” “The most exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss to date.” “The Holy Grail.” Oz claims that “Revolutionary new research says it could be the magic ingredient that lets you lose weight without diet or exercise.” That sounds too good to be true, and it is. Garciniaprobably does work to some extent to improve weight loss, but the evidence doesn’t begin to justify such grandiose claims.

Garcinia cambogia extract (GCE) comes from a tropical fruit grown in India and Southeast Asia. The active ingredient has been identified: hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It is said to block fat and suppress the appetite. It inhibits a key enzyme, citrate lyase, that the body needs to make fat from carbohydrates. It suppresses appetite by increasing serotonin levels; low serotonin levels are associated with depression and emotional or reactive eating.

It allegedly decreases belly fat, suppresses appetite, controls emotional eating, and changes body composition by increasing lean muscle mass. It doesn’t just produce weight loss, but it improves overall health. It is said to decrease cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides by 10-30% and to raise levels of the “good cholesterol” HDL.

Dr. Oz recommends a dose of 500-1000 mg of Garcinia cambogia potassium before each meal. (Some experts believe the potassium salt is more effective than other formulations.) He says not to take it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, because it can worsen dementia. If you have diabetes, it can cause hypoglycemia, and if you are on a statin, it can increase the risk of harmful side effects like rhabdomyolysis or muscle degradation. Oz contradicts himself: he suggests that it can produce weight loss without diet or exercise, yet he clearly recommends it be used along with exercise and properly portioned meals.

An independent analysis found that some brands contain far less active ingredient than claimed. Consumers are advised to look for at least 50% GCE with potassium but with no fillers, binders, or artificial ingredients. It should be taken on empty stomach 30-60 minutes before a meal. Results increase with dosage, but doses over 3 000 mg a day should be cleared with your doctor.

With Dr. Oz’s track record, I was not willing to simply accept his word for the wonders ofGarcinia. I went to PubMed, where a search for hydroxycitric acid brought up 64 articles. Some were irrelevant, and the relevant ones included a lot of animal studies and a smaller number of human studies with inconsistent results.

Guinea pigs on a high cholesterol diet who were given a different Garcinia species (atriviridis) had a tendency to decrease lipid composition levels and fat deposition in the aorta. HCA caused congenital defects in rats. Another rat study found that itdecreased body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation by reducing food intake but had no lasting beneficial effects on hypertriglyceridemia and hyperinsulinemia. Yet another rat study showed that it suppressed body fat accumulation but was toxic to the testes.

To try to make sense of the inconsistent results, Onakpoya et al. did a systematic reviewof the published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as of 2011. Their analysis found a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss (1.75 kg vs 0.88 kg, less than 2 pounds). They commented that the studies all had methodological weaknesses, so these results could be due to GIGO (garbage in/garbage out). The two studies with the best methodology found no statistically significant difference from placebo. Adverse events were twice as common with Garcinia (headache, nausea, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms). The authors concluded:

The evidence from RCTs suggests that Garcinia extracts/HCA generate weight loss on the short term. However, the magnitude of this effect is small, is no longer statistically significant when only rigorous RCTs are considered, and its clinical relevance seems questionable.

Oz featured a patient testimonial on the show from a woman who had lost 10 pounds in 4 months. She started noticing results after a week; she reported that her sugar cravings were decreased, she had more energy, and she went down a dress size from 10 to 8. She had no side effects. Says she was at a plateau and wanted a jump-start.

At this point, I don’t think we can reliably say whether Garcinia has a clinically relevant advantage over simple calorie reduction and exercise. It appears to be safe, and it may have a role in helping patients lose weight by assisting motivation and enlisting placebo effects.

Dr. Oz’s popularity is enduring, but diet fads aren’t. I confidently expect another “miracle” to supplant Garcinia in the Land of Oz in the

"I was pleased that the hearing today dealt with some complicated issues and had all the players present whose cooperation will be necessary to move forward in protecting the consumer," Oz said in a statement following the hearing, expressing his concern about protecting his fans from weight-loss hoaxes. 

"For years I felt that because I did not sell any products that I could be enthusiastic in my coverage and I believe the research surrounding the products I cover has value. I took part in today's hearing because I am accountable for my role in the proliferation of these scams and I recognize that my enthusiastic language has made the problem worse at times." 

"To not have the conversation about supplements at all, however, would be a disservice to the viewer," he continued. "In addition to exercising an abundance of caution in discussing promising research and products in the future, I look forward to working with all those present today in finding a way to deal with the problems of weight-loss scams." 

Here's a look at five of the weight-loss supplements under fire: 

Green coffee bean extract
What Dr. Oz says: Derived from coffee beans that have yet to be roasted, Oz says, "This little bean has scientists saying they've found the magic weight-loss cure for every body type." 
What we know: While there has been a study suggesting the use of green coffee bean extract supports weight loss, only a small number of people were involved. Still "using the green coffee bean extract for weight loss in my practice has proven to be very effective," says New York-based holistic practitioner and nutritionist Dr. Steven Margolin. "But we're about educating people how to take better care of themselves. Supplements assist a diet. Never just take it and eat whatever you want

However, don't take this supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are taking a diabetic medication (like insulin or glyburide), talk to a doctor before taking this to make sure this is right for you, otherwise this supplement may allow your blood sugar to fall even lower than normal.

Those taking a statin (a cholesterol-lowering drug) should use this supplement with caution because it can increase the risk of harmful side effects, like rhabdomyolysis or muscle degradation. Those with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia shouldn't take HCA because of the risk of worsening dementia.

How Much Should I Take?
You can buy garcinia cambogia extract in health food stores or online. When looking for a supplement, look for "garcinia cambogia" or "GCE" with at least 50% HCA (active ingredient potassium). Some experts believe that the newly available HCA potassium salts are more effective than the other HCA formulations.

Take 500-1000 mg before each meal, and make sure to take no more than 3000 mg total per day.

When looking for supplements, make sure you can see and review the list of ingredients. Do not purchase if you can’t see any ingredients. Furthermore, there should be no fillers or artificial ingredients.

With no other changes, you may lose 2-4 pounds within one month. However, it is highly recommended that the person taking HCA also find time for moderate exercise a few times a week and eat properly portioned meals. Let the power of the HCA supplement work along with making healthie

AboutHi everyone. Time to get ready for the holiday season that is coming up soon. Time to get rid of the extra kg's we added during the summer. Take advantage of our Garcinia Cambogia + Aloe Bitter Combo for only R 225-00. It is the real deal product that will make a change to your body. To add a further special offer to the combo, when you purchase the combo, you will also receive 30 days free assistance and advice from one of our dieticians to assist you with advice or answer any of your questions. No where else will you receive this great benefit absolutely FREE. Don't delay and contact us NOW. Have an awesome day.
Does Garcinia Cambogia Really Work? A Detailed Review
By Kris Gunnars | 2,314,475 views 
Woman Who is Disappointed on The ScaleDieting sucks.

It tends to lead to cravings… and hunger.

This generally causes people to give up on their diet and gain the weight back.

For this reason, most conventional weight loss methods have a terrible success rate. Very few people succeed in the long run.

This is where a popular weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia extract steps in.

According to many health experts, it can reduce appetite and help you lose weight, pretty much without effort.

Even Dr. Oz has been touting the benefits of it. He is an American TV doctor and probably the most famous health “guru” in the world.

Last year, Dr. Oz featured Garcinia Cambogia on his show.

He seemed very excited about it… he even used the word magic and said that it might be “the most exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss to date” (you can watch the episode here).

Now… I’m a big fan of supplements and self-experimentation.

I’ve personally experimented with a ton of different supplements throughout my life, although only a handful have stuck with me.

Given the raving reviews about Garcinia Cambogia, I got excited and decided to take a closer look at this supplement and the science behind it.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?
Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

Garcinia cambogia is a plant, also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta.

The fruit of the plant looks like a small, green pumpkin and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor.

In the skin of the fruit, there is a large amount of a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA).

This is the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract… that is, the substance that produces the weight loss effects.

Bottom Line: Garcinia Cambogia is a plant often used in Asian recipes. The skin of the fruit contains a substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which is the active ingredient.

Does Garcinia Cambogia Actually Work?
Woman Smiling and Holding a Supplement

I managed to find several research studies on Garcinia Cambogia, in both animals and humans.

According to some studies in rats, it can inhibit a fat producing enzyme called Citrate Lyase, making it more difficult for the body to produce fat out of carbohydrates (1).

Other rat studies show increased levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This could theoretically lead to reduced appetite and cravings (2).

There are actually a whole bunch of studies in rats showing that Garcinia Cambogia consistently leads to significant weight loss (3, 4, 5, 6).

However, what works in rats doesn’t always work in humans.

Bottom Line: Studies in rats show that the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia can inhibit a fat producing enzyme called Citrate Lyase and increase serotonin levels, leading to significant weight loss.

A Look at Some Human Studies
Fortunately, I also found several human studies on Garcinia Cambogia.

All of these studies are so-called randomized controlled trials, which are the gold standard of scientific experiments in humans.

The biggest of the studies included 135 overweight individuals, which were split into two groups (7):

Treatment group: 3 grams of Garcinia Cambogia Extract (a total of 1500mg Hydroxycitric acid) in three separate doses, 30 minutes before meals.
Placebo group: The other group took dummy pills (placebo).
Both groups also went on a high-fiber, low calorie diet.

These were the results of the 12 week study, which was published in The Journal of The American Medical Association (a highly respected scientific journal):

Heymsfield,  et al. 1998

As you can see, both groups lost weight.

But the group taking Garcinia Cambogia extract actually lost less weight (3.2 kg – 7 pounds) than the placebo group (4.1 kg – 9 pounds).

The researchers also looked at body fat percentage. The placebo group lost 2.16%, while the group taking Garcinia Cambogia lost only 1.6%.

However, the difference was not statistically significant, meaning that the results could have been due to chance.

More Studies
In another study with 89 overweight females, Garcinia Cambogia did lead to 1.3 kg (2.8 pounds) more weight loss compared to placebo, over a period of 12 weeks. They found no difference in appetite between groups (8).

Overall, I looked at 4 more studies. Two of them showed weight loss of a few pounds over a period of 8 weeks (9, 10), but the other two showed no effect (11, 12).

So… unfortunately, the weight loss effects appear to be both weak and inconsistent.

A review published in the Journal of Obesity in 2011 that looked at 12 clinical trials found that Garcinia Cambogia can increase weight loss by about 0.88 kg, or 2 pounds, on average, over a period of several weeks (13).

Their conclusion sums it up quite nicely:

“…Garcinia extracts/HCA can cause short-term weight loss. The magnitude of the effect is small, and the clinical relevance is uncertain.”

I agree. It may cause a mild effect in some people, but overall the effects are small and unlikely to make a major difference

Bottom Line: There have been many studies conducted on Garcinia Cambogia in overweight individuals. Some of them show a small amount of weight loss, while other studies show no effect.

Garcinia Cambogia Appears to be Very Safe
Bottle With Blue Pills

It is important to keep in mind that these studies usually only report averages.

It is possible that some individuals can in fact lose weight with this supplement, although it doesn’t seem to work very well on average.

At least, Garcinia Cambogia appears to be safe. There are no serious side effects, only some reports of mild digestive issues (14).

Garcinia Cambogia HCA60% 500mg - R195-00 (60capsules)

Garcinia Cambogia HCA60% 500mg - (60capsules) + Green Tea Extract  (90 Capsules) - R 295-00

With the aid of Garcinia Cambogia + Green Tea Extract Capsules  I was able to shed the extra weight i was carrying. It took me 11 months to shed 52kg. It was not easy, but well worth it.

I understand and know what it feels like to be overweight, because of that I know the frustration you have been going through. Doing it alone is not easy, and could be the reason why so many people give up after a week.

Following a worked out eating plan also does not work, because as soon as you stop the eating plan and return to your old habits, 9/10 you just pick up all the weight you have lost. Then the cycle starts all over again.

So What does Weight Loss 4 Life offer you?
Support from a dietician when you purchase any of our products for 30 days.( All you need to do to receive this added service is to register on our website - "Register with Dietician" .

Dietician will analyze your eating habits and provide you with new healthy advice.

Garcinia Cambogia HCA60% & Green Tea Extract capsules to kick start the process.

Weekly communication between you the member and the WL4L Team

Provide you with healthy eating recipes.

Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than helping people achieve their weight loss goals. Weight Loss 4 Life will provide you with a great sense of motivation and healthy NEW eating advice that can easily be adapted to your specific requirements. WL4L prides its self on serving YOU while on your journey. That is what makes us unique. It’s the way we treat and support our members while we take every step with you. We teach and educate you to make the correct food choices.

It is best to get a brand with at least 50% Hydroxycitric acid. The most common dosage is 500 mg, 3 times per day, half an hour before meals.

If you want to buy garcinia cambogia despite the poor results in the studies, then there is a great selection of brands with thousands of customer reviews on Amazon.

If Garcinia Cambogia Doesn’t Work, Then What Does?
I’ve been experimenting with and researching supplements for years, but I have yet to find a weight loss supplement that actually works.

There are a few that appear to be mildly effective. This includes Caffeine, Green Tea and Glucomannan (a fiber that can reduce appetite). However, the results are usually weak and inconsistent and certainly nothing to get excited about.

At the end of the day, the only thing that is really proven to help you lose weight is changing your diet. Exercise can help too, but what you eat is by far the most important.

For a proven way to lose weight without hunger, check out this article.

Take Home Message
One day, science might discover a supplement or a drug that actually works for weight loss… and I hope we do, believe me.

But it is clear from the studies that Garcinia Cambogia isn’t it. Period.

I've spent most of my life on quick-fix diets, cleanses   and eating food I didn't like.  I learned the hard way that changing my basic eating habits was the only way to sustain weight loss in the long run.

For many years I have battled with obesity. For many years I tried every possible diet on the market. Spending thousands of rands trying to find the ultimate solution.  After trial and error I believe I found the solution, a solution that WORKS.

An appetite suppressant to assist you with the weight loss you need. No side effects. Natural herbal product. The Aloe Bitter Colon Cleanse is a gentle Colon Cleanser.


Also includes a month’s free service from our dietician to assist you with your weight loss journey.
Answer any questions you might have or give you advice where needed.

Authentic Desire → Intension → Action = RESULTS

With the aid of Garcinia Cambogia + Green Tea Extract Capsules and the above I was able to shed the extra weight. It took me 11 months to shed 52kg. It was not easy, but well worth it.

I understand and know what it feels like to be overweight, because of that I know the frustration you have been going through. Doing it alone is not easy, and could be the reason why so many people give up after a week.

Following a worked out eating plan also does not work, because as soon as you stop the eating plan and return to your old habits, 9/10 you just pick up all the weight you have lost. Then the cycle starts all over again.




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